General Usage

Requiring approval for external communications

118 views May 11, 2018 August 14, 2018 admin 0

Institution Administrators may control if an approval is required before sending any messages to contacts outside of the institution.  To enable this setting, follow these steps:

  1. Click the settings icon in the upper-right corner. From the menu select Account.
  2. Click the create icon.
  3. In the Settings field, select the person who will serve as the Approval Contact from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click the save button to save all changes.

Once enabled, any and all messages sent to external contacts will be routed to the Approval Contact prior to being delivered.  The Approval Contact will receive a text or email notification (depending on their account settings), to allow them to approve or reject the message quickly.

Approvers may also log in to the system to provide feedback to the message sender, in the form of a comment prior to selecting the approve or reject button.

NOTE: This feature operates separately from any workflows that are created within the system.

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